Sunday, January 28, 2007

Is myspace enough?

NOTE: My mission has changed to discuss education and what is working in communities, and questioning what is not. Below is an outdated mission for the blog.

I just returned from a friend's house and decided to post before watching Jonathan Richman in "Take me to the Plaza." If you like the Velvet Underground, you may want to check him out.

I think part of the potential success for Thunderbolt World is that it fullfills a void online. I want teenagers to WANT to go to the site, find it easy to use and have it fit into their lives. Are there organizations or websites that exist with a mission similar to mine: providing space and support towards connecting teenagers with eachother to discuss relevant issues and communicate their ideas on the state of our world and ways to make positive change? Is myspace, nerdspace, etc. enough for you to express yourselves? Is there a better site than myspace for teens that already exists? Are internet chatrooms still a popular way to express your deepest thoughts when you cannot use the phone? If you or someone you know is aware of other groups with websites similar to the idea behind Thunderbolt World, or ones you think I should look at, please post a comment and let me know. Thanks!

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